Why Good Design is Important

An agency in Orlando, INNOCOM, posted this article, that has expressed what I’ve wanted to communicate, and MORE! I’ll go ahead and post those key parts here:

The first thing that your customer sees is your branding. If you haven’t given thought to your branding, you are missing out on opportunities to draw in your customers and to tell a story about who you are. Many business owners try to take the shortcut with designing their branding and try to go with pre-made logos and other tools they find on do-it-yourself websites. However, this is careless. It shows that you are not giving your business the thought and care that it deserves. More importantly, it shows that you underestimating the power of good design.

Having good design extends to every part of your business including your online presence. Your website is an extension of your business and it should reflect your aesthetics and goals accurately and clearly. If you don’t properly utilize your website, you are missing out on the opportunity to further enhance your business’s design.

No matter what industry you are in, you are always facing competition. Even if you are certain that you are the top competitor in your field, there is always room for improvement. This is where good design comes in.

Good design can help to modernize your business and keep you ahead of the curve even if your business is already successful. To prove this point, all you have to do is to head to the grocery store and see what products draw your eye in any random aisle. You’ll quickly notice that packaging has a lot to do with what you are drawn to. The same can be said for your business. If your design is unappealing or does not do enough to catch the eye, you are going to lose out to others with more impressive packaging.

Good design does more than look pretty. It helps to establish the relationship between you and your client. A talented designer can create a design that will draw on the emotional connection your client feels when they think of you. If they do not already have that connection, good design can help build it. 

How does it do that? It does it by showing the customers what your principles are and what your company values. It keeps them in the forefront so that they can visually understand that they are essential to your business. In fact, a good design can be the difference between a customer who keeps on coming back and one who leaves you for another business with more emotional appeal.

There are several nationwide–and even worldwide–brands that have distinct branding in our minds. Even without the design fully sketched out, we could readily identify them from the colors they use for their logo or the shapes of their font. How does this happen? How are we so skilled at remembering all this different branding (even if we don’t buy the product ourselves)?

The reason behind this is consistency. Consistency is the key to good branding. It can take a while to land on a design that will perfectly represent your company, but once you have found it, you do not want to go changing it whenever you feel a change is needed. This is only going to cause confusion.

Consistency is key in grounding the customers’ emotions. If they look at your logo and it changes from one day to the next, they are going to feel that not only is your branding inconsistent but you as a company are as well. This is crucial because your customers are not going to stick around for a company that does not appear consistent. Even if your product or service is great, your design will reassure them of your stability.

Building customer relationships and promoting brand consistency (as mentioned in this article) is a huge part of what is important to Design4REAL,

mixing it up a bit

Funny how less complicated things need to be the more I design. I’m not saying it takes any less time, it just looks less complicated, i suppose. I think this thank you card is so great, because of it’s simplicity. The best designs are determined for me, when the message is recognized immediately without lacking in design. Like life, sometimes the scramble sends the best message. Well done, Molly.

the perfect thank you

More About Design inspiration

I love functional design. D4R rarely designs for design’s sake, but always to serve a purpose and doing it beautifully. Thats why the blogs and inspiration are not only involving print, brand or packaging, but also stretch over to furniture design, and conceptual possibilities. For now, back to packaging. Check out this link:

28 Of The Most Genius Food Packaging Designs Ever Created

Partial kitchen transformation

Its fun to see what paint color, light fixture and a few hardware pieces can do. The light was an original in our house that we found in the garage at our farmhouse.

This is our clean simple farmhouse kitchen.

This is our clean simple farmhouse kitchen.

This is what our kitchen looked like before our simple modifications.

This is what our kitchen looked like before our simple modifications.

Don't overthink it

I love this article. I wish I would have wrote it! Not just for designers but for anyone who is hiring a designer for their identity:

Read it here